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Eucharistic lectionary: C
Daily Office: Year One
Prev. month | April 2025 |
Next month | ||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
7 Tikhon |
12 |
13 Daily Palm Sunday |
14 Monday in Holy Week |
15 Tuesday in Holy Week |
16 Wednesday in Holy Week |
17 Maundy Thursday |
18 Good Friday |
19 Holy Saturday |
20 Daily Easter Sunday |
21 Monday in Easter Week |
22 Tuesday in Easter Week |
23 Wednesday in Easter Week |
24 Thursday in Easter Week |
25 Friday in Easter Week |
26 Saturday in Easter Week |
27 Daily Sunday |
28 Saint Mark |
Commemorations in italics are from A Great Cloud of Witnesses;
others are from Lesser Feasts & Fasts 2022
Commemorations in brackets are for trial use.
Omitted this year: | |
4/6 Pandita Mary
Ramabai, 4/6 Daniel G. C. Wu 4/14 Zenaida, Philonella, and Hermione 4/14 Edward Thomas Demby & Henry Beard Delany 4/15 Damien & Marianne Cope 4/16 Peter Williams Cassey & Annie Besant Cassey 4/16 Mary (Molly) Brant 4/17 Kateri Takakwitha 4/17 Emily Cooper 4/18 Juana Inés de la Cruz |
4/19 Alphege 4/21 Anselm 4/22 Hadewijch of Brabant 4/22 John Muir & Hudson Stuck 4/23 Toyohiko Kagawa 4/23 George 4/24 Genocide Remembrance 4/26 Robert Hunt 4/27 Zita of Tuscany 4/27 Christina Rossetti |
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